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A hockey goalie in action during a game


We partner with elite student athlete training programs to provide a flexible, online education with a focus on serving the whole student.





我們的K-12之前課程和成人學習課程包含基於標準的Cognia / AdvancEd認證在線課程,虛擬沉浸式STEM課程以及經過認證的老師和輔導員,以提供24/7全天候學生支持。

美國國際預科學校已獲得密歇根州教育部的全面認證,並自豪地提供Cognia / AdvancEd認證的在線課程。

A flexible school format that works with demanding training schedules.

For top student athletes, time management can be a challenge. Our self-paced online learning format is perfectly suited to the most stringent training and competition schedule.

Young male football player holding a football

24/7 access to online curriculum means you can travel without compromising academically.

Mentor Supported
Personalized, one-on-one guidance and support.

A school experience that's shaped around your academic and athletic goals.

Male runner smiling and raising a fist

Personalized support to help student athletes prepare for their unique future.

Our tailored program empowers students to thrive academically while pursuing their athletic passions, providing them with a balanced foundation for future success.

A rigorous curriculum in a convenient environment.

Our flexible, accredited curriculum and individualized support system helps students to perform at their highest level academically while simultaneously pursuing their athletic goals.

Two male soccer players in action
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